
The location of the churches and chapels for which Society has transcribed registers can be seen on an interactive map. The approximate location of C of E churches is shown in red and Non Conformist locations are shown blue.

Clicking on any marker in the map will bring up a small window with details of the records which the Society has transcribed for that establishment. The detail may be hidden behind the text box. If this is so then ‘left click’ on the map and pull it around on the screen. Zoom in or out of the map with your mouse wheel or the symbols on the map.

Please note that we hold records for a number of establishments which may have closed at some time in the past. Some of these buildings now have alternative uses and some have been demolished. The map indicators show the approximate location of these sites.

By clicking here a new tab will open with the Google map displayed.

This facility is a Google “Maps Engine” application and if you sign into your account, or create an new (free) Google account an extended data table is available. If you know the name of a church/chapel, but are not sure of its location, use the Hdfhs Locations box in the top left corner of the map. Click on either the C of E or the Non-Conformist bar and then the data icon. Select a line in the list, or begin to type a name into the search box to reduce the list to the name of your choice. Click on the yellow icon at the left of the line to bring up available detail on the map.